Friday, June 1, 2012

Iran: USA Unleashed STUXNET Cyber War Virus On Iran To Appease Israel - Report.

The US and Israel made the Stuxnet virus as a new kind of weapon targeted against Iran, a media investigation revealed. The operation reportedly started in the Bush era, but was intensified by Obama administration.

­The top-secret massive sabotage targeting Iran’s Natanz uranium enrichment facility was arguably the first episode of a new age of warfare, similar to the first use of nuclear weapons or the first military drone attack, according to an investigation by the New York Times.
The newspaper interviewed current and former American, European and Israeli officials involved in the clandestine program called Olympic Games. None of them agreed to have his name mentioned due to the highly sensitive nature of the operation.

The US and Israeli authorship of the Stuxnet virus, which caused damage to Iranian uranium enrichment effort by destroying hundreds of centrifuges at the Natanz facility, was long hinted at by the media. The virus is estimated to have pushed back the controversial nuclear program by as much as 18 months, although skeptical assessments say the impact may have been lower.

The Olympic Games operation dates back to 2006, the NYT reports. The Bush administration at the time had its credibility at a low, after being to have falsely accused Saddam Hussein of having weapons of mass destruction. This limited the amount of international pressure Washington could put on Tehran.

At the same time Iran’s renewed enrichment of uranium made Israel extremely nervous, because it suspected the Islamic Republic would build up a stockpile of enough nuclear fuel to enrich it further to a weapons-grade level later. If Iran’s enrichment program remained unhindered, Israel would be prompted to launch a pre-emptive military attack on it and trigger a major regional war, Washington believed, as several US officials told the newspaper.

Launching a secret cyber attack on Iran and making Israelis part of the operation both bought more time for sanctions and gave Israel’s hawks a tangible alternative to trying to bomb the Natanz more